Call for papers – « Event, Dispositif, Agency in Literature, Theatre, and Beyond (from 1700 to our days) »

Call for papers

Event, Dispositif, Agency in Literature, Theatre, and Beyond (from 1700 to our days)

Workshop at the Free University Berlin – 11 January 2018

Organisers: Dr Alexei Evstratov and the Dahlem Humanities Center

Deadline for abstract submission: 25 October 2017

The workshop will address the problem of reconstructing “artistic” experience, where “artistic” is defined by an event’s sponsors, participants, or audience. We will approach this frame of experience not only as a set of rules of conduct, changing through time, but also as a site of knowledge production. While a certain emphasis will be placed on theatre and literature in Europe from 1700 to recent past, students of other areas and artistic media are encouraged to submit proposals. The workshop will bring together researchers working on approaches to experience and its reconstruction ‘from below,’ from both historical and theoretical perspectives, across geographical areas and art forms. While spurring reflection on the possible sources for the historical reconstruction of an experience framed as artistic, the workshop aims at a broad revision of the studies in ‘reception’ of the arts. This rethinking will draw on recent developments not only in everyday history, but also in the history of the senses and emotions, as well as in qualitative social history.

Keywords: art and experience, art and agency, subject and subjectivity, social history, sociology of the arts, reception, non-expert knowledge, interactions, social anthropology, art and ethnography, power, dispositif.

For full description, go to

Dr Alexei Evstratov
POINT Fellow
Dahlem Humanities Center
Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin Germany
Chercheur associé

Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage
Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
96, bd Raspail — 75006 Paris — France

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