The following is a new publication which might interest you.
At the moment it is offered with 30% discount until October 31st*. More information at <>
Institutions and Power in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture
Edited by David Evans and Kate Griffiths
Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York NY, 2011. 322 pp. (Faux Titre 363)
ISBN: 978-90-420-3384-9 Paper
ISBN: 978-94-012-0080-6 E-Book
Online info:
The French Revolution of 1789 altered the face of power and the institutions it inhabited in France, and the aftershocks of this seismic change rippled throughout the nineteenth century. With power changing hands between monarchy, empires and republics in quick succession, the nature of power, both personal and political, and institutions, both real and metaphorical, was constantly being redefined, argued over and fought for. This volume provides innovative analyses of nineteenth-century power relations in France across a series of interlinked spheres: artistic, literary, cultural, political, scientific and topographical. Its seventeen chapters trace the direct impact of politics and the shifting power of regimes on the creative arts, and explore power relations in a wide range of contexts including novels, sculpture, painting, education, religion, science, museums and exhibitions across a wide geographical area from Paris to the provinces, southern France and the colonies. The contributors, all experts in their fields, assess the evolving relationship between institutions and power in nineteenth-century France, exploring how the nation debates its past, negotiates its present and, as the foundation of the Third Republic ushers in a period of relative stability, sets about creating its common future.
List of illustrations
David Evans and Kate Griffiths: Introduction
Political Power: Legacies and Myths
Nicole Mozet: Balzac, Théoricien du pouvoir absolu et romancier du chaos post-révolutionnaire
Damian Catani: The French Revolution: Historical Necessity or Historical Evil? Terror and Slavery in Hugo’s Quatrevingt-treize and Confiant’s L’Archet du colonel
Jean-Marie Seillan: Institutions et pouvoirs occultes: Huysmans et l’imaginaire conspirationniste
Janice Best: Les Hommes de bronze de la Troisième République: Commémoration ou oubli de l’histoire?
Power and Space
Elisabeth Gerwin: Power in the City: Balzac’s Flâneur in La Fille aux yeux d’or
Claire I.R. O’Mahony: The Colony Within? Poets and the Politics of Particularism in Toulouse’s Capitole
Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini: Le Pouvoir de la représentation: Écriture pittoresque et construction de la nation dans la série provinciale des Français peints par eux-mêmes
Leonard R. Koos: Razzia in Stone: Building Colonial Algiers, 1830-1900
Institutions and Knowledge
Francesco Manzini: Doctors, Priests, Magistrates: Stendhal, Cabanis and the Power of Medical Practitioners
Rosemary Lloyd: The Crocodiles of Caen and the Molluscs of the Museum: Rhetoric, Science, and Power in Nineteenth-Century France
Mary Orr: Education, Education, Education: The Space of the Muséum as Showcase for Thinking its Public
Scott A. Gavorsky: L’État comme propriétaire? Schools as Property in Nineteenth-Century France
Writing Art History: Institutions and Alternative Authorities
Juliet Simpson: Whose History? Art, History and the Nation State in Early Third Republic France
L. Cassandra Hamrick: Beyond Institutions: In Search of le souffle moderne in Gautier’s Salon de 1844
Gilles Bonnet: Le Contre-pouvoir critique: Huysmans, vers une fiction d’art
Sonya Stephens: Auguste Rodin, or the Institutionalization of the Self as Artist
Notes on contributors
*Please note that this offer is not valid in combination with any other offer
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