Literary Scholarship and Social Sciences: Opportunities for Dialogue
International conference organized jointly by
Moscow Lomonosov University and Research University-Higher School of Economics
Moscow, March 15-17, 2012
March 15, Thursday, Moscow University
10.00-10.30 Opening
10.30-12.45 Thinking of Action
Moderator – Gasan Guseynov (Russian Presidential Academy)
Franco Moretti (Stanford University) Social networks, dramatic structures: a comparative assessment, Aeschylus to Ibsen.
Respondent – Mikhail Sokolov (European University in StPetersburg) Social structures, dramatic networks: The dialectics of disciplinary imperialisms.
11.30-11.45 – Coffee break
11.45- 12.45
Lionel Ruffel (Paris 8 University/ Boston University) From Patrimonialization to Action: The Moment of the Contemporary in Literary Research.
Maria Maiofis (Russian Presidential Academy) Literary Diletantism as Political Action: “Pasquinade”Expertise in The Third Section of His Imperial Majesty’s Own Chancellery
12.45-13.30 Lunch Break
13.30-16.15 Understanding Experience
Moderator – Georg Witte (FU Berlin)
13.30-14.30 Ronald Schleifer (University of Oklahoma)“The Law that Governs the Future”: Experience and the Humanities.
Respondent – Caroline Pelletier (University of London) The Simulation of Experience: Drawing on Literary Theory to Interpret the Experience of Medical Trainees.
14.30-14.45 Coffee break
Georg Witte (FU Berlin) Psychopoetics: The Emotional Experience of Reading Fiction.
Tatiana Venediktova (MSU) Reading “Wrong” as a Factor of Literary History.
Natalia Samutina (HSE) Anthropology of Fanfiction: Harry Potter in a Russian Hospital and Other Kinds of Experiences.
16.15-16.45 Coffee break
16.45-18.30 Discussion. History of Literature and Literature in History. Literary Journal and Innovation in Literary Scholarship: New Literary History and New Literary Observer
Editors-in-chief R. Felski (NLH) and I. Prokhorova (NLO), authors, critics, readers.
March 16, Friday
10.00-13.15 Interpreting Narration
Moderator –
10.00 – 11.00 Winfried Fluck (FU Berlin) Economics and Narrative.
Respondent – Vladimir Avtonomov (HSE) Narrative and Economics.
11.00-11.15 – Coffee break
11.15- 13.15
Mikhail Makeev (Moscow University) Morality and Economy in a Narrative Text: The Case of “The False Coupon”.
Johannes Woelz (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) A Nation of Fugitives: Narrating (In)security in the Antebellum United States.
Victor Vakhshtayn (Russian Presidential Academy) Beyond Rhetoric and Politics: Toward Rethinking of the Sociological Explanation.
Walter Geerts (University of Antwerp) The Case for the Hybrid Novel.
13.15- 14.00 Lunch
14. 00-18.00 Analyzing Imagination
Moderator – Anna Kostikova (Moscow University)
14.00-15.00 Boris Dubin (Levada Center) Imagination as Communicative Structure and Projection of Modernity.
Respondent – Anna Koneva (Russian Institute for Cultural Studies) Imagination as Generation of Possibility.
15.00-15.15 Coffee break
Denis Saint-Amand (Université de Liège)/Anthony Glinoer (University of Sherbrooke, Québec) Literary mediations, imaginaries, and sociological approaches.
Irina Popova (Institute of World Literature) Imagination vs. Understanding (Franciscan Ideas and Images in the Russian literature of 19th-beginning of 20th Centuries).
Andrey Faustov (Voronezh State University) Imaginary Geography in the “Dream Text” of Russian Literature.
Odile Heynders (Tilburg University) The Bidimensional Being of the European Intellectual
Yan Levchenko (HSE) (Post)Soviet Artist Theorizing Himself: Alexey German
March 17, Saturday
10.00-12.30 CASE STUDIES
Panel I (Russian) Literature and History
Moderator – Oleg Kling (MSU)
Dmitry Ivinsky (Moscow University) History of Literature and History Proper.
Olga Lebedeva (Tomsk State University) Novel and Philosophy in the 18th Century (Problem of Epistemicl Unity)
Alexander Yanushkevich (Tomsk State University) Carbonari Uprising Retold in Russian: Dialogue of History and Literature
Ilya Kukulin (HSE) Russian Writers’and Historians’ Competition in Depicting the National Past
Yelena Penskaya (HSE) “Writer’s Archive ” and State Institutions. Changing Practices in the XX-XXI Centuries.
Panel II (English) Literature and Forms of Communication
Moderator – Diana Ignashev (Carleton College)
Alexandra Urakova (RSUH) Literary Gift: between Social and Aesthetic Experience.
Andrey Logutov (MSU) Parlor Song as a Literary and Social Practice in the 1850’s America.
Olga Panova (MSU) Arguing over “Bias”: A Case of Militancy vs. Objectivism in the Academic Discourse.
Sanna Lehtonen (Tilburg University) “Listen girl. Hitler is dead.” Reception of a female public intellectual on Finnish online discussion forums.
Panel III –Literature and Ideology
Moderator –
Mikhail Velizhev (HSE) – ?
Alexander Ivinski (Moscow Universoty) V. Petrov and the Glorious Carousel of Katherine II.
Kirill Zubkov (StPetersburg University)“The Hour of Awakening Has Come”: Ideology and Metaphor in the Russian Popular Poetry of the 1850s.
Nikolay Poselyagin (Moscow University) Writer at a Rally (2011/12)
12.30 -13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 Round Table: On the Uses of Literature
Moderator – Elena Penskaya (HSE)
Rita Felski (University of Virginia) Postcritical Reading.
Alexander Dolgin (HSE) ?
Мattias Freise (Universität Göttingen) Who helps whom in understanding what? Epistemological and analytic methods in literary scholarship and social science.
Olga Antsiferova (Ivanovo State University) Literature as Vicarious Experience:What Students in Philology Think of the Uses of Literature.
15.30 – Closing of the conference.
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