Barbara Pezzotti
Politics and Society in Italian Crime Fiction: An Historical Overview
Jefferson: McFarland & Company, 2014
This book comprehensively covers the history of Italian crime fiction from its origins to the present. Using the concept of « moral rebellion, » the author examines the ways in which Italian crime fiction has articulated the country’s social and political changes. The book concentrates on such writers as Augusto de Angelis (1888-1944), Giorgio Scerbanenco (1911-1969), Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989), Andrea Camilleri (b. 1925), Loriano Macchiavelli (b. 1934), Massimo Carlotto (b. 1956), and Marcello Fois (b. 1960). Through the analysis of writers belonging to differing crucial periods of Italy’s history, this work reveals the many ways in which authors exploit the genre to reflect social transformation and dysfunction.
About the Author
Barbara Pezzotti is an honorary research associate of the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies. Author of a 2012 book and several journal articles on Italian crime fiction and co-editor of a volume on international crime writing, she lives in New Zealand.
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