Conference – “Creativity and Commerce in the Age of Print”

Registration is now open to attend the Edinburgh Centre for the History of the Book’s one-day conference titled “Creativity and Commerce in the Age of Print”! The programme includes a range of papers from a very diverse group of postgraduates and early-career researchers on topics including authorship, publishing, and professionalisation from the Early Modern period to today, as well as keynotes by Dr. Jason Scott-Warren (Director of the Centre for Material Texts, University of Cambridge) and Professor Iain Stevenson (Centre for Publishing, UCL).

A flyer including full programme information can be found attached to this email, as well as at our Eventbrite page, where you can register to attend:

Thanks to generous funding, attendance is free (including lunch and wine reception), but spaces are limited, so we ask that you please only register if you’re definitely planning to come.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Rosie LD (24 juin 2014). Conference – “Creativity and Commerce in the Age of Print” Le carnet de la liste socius. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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