Dear colleagues,
The Department of French at Rutgers University announces its Interdisciplinary Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference:
Transitions and Transgressions
Keynote speaker: Michèle H. Richman, Professor of Romance Languages at University of Pennsylvania.
Friday, March 6 & Saturday, March 7, 2015
New Brunswick, NJ
The Rutgers University Department of French Graduate Student Organization is pleased to announce an interdisciplinary conference that explores the concepts of transition and transgression in French and Francophone societies.
The notions of transition and transgression have a contrasting and intricate relationship. Transition is generally described as a gradual movement devoid of violence and urgency, a process composed of the accumulation of imperceptible adjustments, as depicted in the works of Ross Chambers (Room for Maneuver) and Michel de Certeau (The Practice of Everyday Life). In contrast, transgression is often characterized as a movement of urgent violence. As theorized by Michel Foucault in “Préface à la transgression,” transgression is intent to destroy the limit, as it seeks to impose itself in the system that denies it inclusion. Despite their contrasting approaches, the concepts of transition and transgression also share fundamental traits. Both share a similar trajectory as they both move towards the limit, a movement that is fueled by both power and desire.
Our upcoming conference proposes to explore the broad and very rich concepts of transition and transgression in cultural, political, and aesthetic contexts. We invite papers that examine the ways in which these phenomena are represented through various artistic media such as literature, film, music and visual arts in the Francophone world. How do we define transitions and transgressions? How do they work? What is their relationship to one another? What new understandings do they bring to French and Francophone literature and culture across centuries? How does the work of critical theorists enlighten or challenge our conception of transgressions and transitions?
Possible themes include but are not limited to:
The sacred and the profane
Revolutions, rebellions, uprisings
Limits and horizons
Art as transgression
Art in transition
Systems of Government
Social & economic changes
Capitalism and its discontents
Religion, faith, and apostasy
The private and the public
Dangerous discourse
Identities (postmodern, postcolonial, gender)
Adaptability and alienation
The subaltern
Life transitions (childhood, adolescence, adulthood)
Forbidden language
Hybridity, porosity
Independence and its discontents
Social and economic mobility
Geographical boundaries
The conference will have a panel format. Participation should last between 15-20 minutes. We welcome papers in both French and English.
Abstracts of 250-400 words should be submitted to before the 18th of January. The abstract should be preceded by a cover page with the following information:
– Name (Last, First)
– Academic affiliation
– Title (PhD/Masters Candidate, Post-Docs, Visiting Professor)
– Title of the paper
– Telephone number
– Email address
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Anthony Glinoer (18 novembre 2014). CFP – “Transitions and Transgressions” Le carnet de la liste socius. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse