Existentialism, Race, and Gender
UK Sartre Society conference 2015
Provisional date: Friday 18th September 2015
Keynote speaker
Professor Lewis R. Gordon (Connecticut)
Call For Abstracts
What can existentialist theories of authenticity, bad faith, embodiment, the look, being-for-others, interiorisation, and the social structure of the material world contribute to our understanding of what it is to be gendered and racialised? What other contributions might consideration of the literary and theoretical works of Beauvoir, Fanon, Sartre and other paradigmatically existentialist thinkers make to current debates about race or gender?
We invite abstracts of papers on these topics to be delivered at this year’s UK Sartre Society conference. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words. Please bear in mind that each selected paper will be scheduled 30 minutes presentation time plus some time for questions.
Our keynote speaker will be Professor Lewis R. Gordon, author of What Fanon Said (2015), Fanon and the Crisis of European Man, Existentia Africana, and Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism, editor of Existence in Black, and author of numerous articles on existentialism and the philosophy of race.
Abstracts should be fully prepared for anonymous review and sent as email attachments via the following web page: http://uksartresociety.com/
The closing date for submissions is Monday 20th April 2015.
Dr Manu Braganca, Research Fellow – ICRH, Queen’s University Belfast: 18 University Square, BT7 1NN, Belfast, Northern Ireland:
-Editoral Board member of Modern & Contemporary France (Taylor & Francis);
-Committee Member of the UK Sartre Society.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anthony Glinoer (25 mars 2015). Call for Abstracts – “Existentialism, Race, and Gender” Le carnet de la liste socius. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qxpi