The Editors of Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuvièmistes are pleased to announce the publication of volume 21. 4: a special issue on Literature and the Press in France, edited by Edmund Birch. The issue features an editorial by Birch followed by articles by Marie-Ève Thérenty, Tim Farrant, Paul Rowe, Thomas Bouchet, Alexandra Tranca, Kate Rees, Nicholas White, Marieke Dubbelboer, Max McGuinness, and Guillaume Pinson.
A full table of contents is below and online at:
Dix-Neuf, the journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, is a forum for cutting-edge research in nineteenth-century French and francophone studies in all relevant disciplines. It is interdisciplinary in focus and seeks to promote wide-ranging critical and theoretical debate. We invite contribution on all aspects of French studies. To submit an article, please visit the journal’s page:
Our next issue, 22:1&2, will be published in August.
With best wishes,
Dix-Neuf Editors
Dix-Neuf Special Issue: Literature and the Press
Edmund Birch
Literature and the Press in France
Marie-Ève Thérenty (translated by Kate Rees)
The Cassandra Journalists (1848–1940)
Tim Farrant
Fragmentation, feuilleton, form: Balzac, Baudelaire, Zola
Paul Rowe
Thomas Bouchet
Fouriérisme, journalisme et littérature au milieu de la monarchie de Juillet
Alexandra Tranca
The Illustrated Press and the Writing of History: The Recueils ofL’Illustration in 1848
Edmund Birch
‘Les suites des suites’: Alexandre Dumas’s Le Comte de Monte-Cristo and the News
Kate Rees
Sensory Reportage and the ‘Steeplechase’ Between Novels and Newspapers in Verne’s Michel Strogoff
Nicholas White
‘L’enclume toujours chaude’: Émile Zola’s Newspaper Trilogy
Marieke Dubbelboer
‘Il faut vivre’: Writers, Journalists and Income, 1890–1914
Max McGuinness
Literature and ‘Universel Reportage’ in Mallarmé’s ‘Livre’
Guillaume Pinson
Catherine Nesci, Chair, Comparative Literature
Professor of French & Comparative Literature
Affiliate in Feminist Studies
Professional address:
Department of French and Italian
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4140 USA
*Co-Editor, with Isabel Gil, Series Culture & Conflict, De Gruyter (Berlin & Boston)
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