Parution – « Dix-Neuf Special Issue: Literature and the Press »

The Editors of Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuvièmistes are pleased to announce the publication of volume 21. 4: a special issue on Literature and the Press in France, edited by Edmund Birch. The issue features an editorial by Birch followed by articles by Marie-Ève Thérenty, Tim Farrant, Paul Rowe, Thomas Bouchet, Alexandra Tranca, Kate Rees, Nicholas White, Marieke Dubbelboer, Max McGuinness, and Guillaume Pinson.

A full table of contents is below and online at:

Dix-Neuf, the journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, is a forum for cutting-edge research in nineteenth-century French and francophone studies in all relevant disciplines. It is interdisciplinary in focus and seeks to promote wide-ranging critical and theoretical debate. We invite contribution on all aspects of French studies.  To submit an article, please visit the journal’s page:

Our next issue, 22:1&2, will be published in August.


With best wishes,

Dix-Neuf Editors

Dix-Neuf Special Issue: Literature and the Press


Edmund Birch

Literature and the Press in France



Marie-Ève Thérenty (translated by Kate Rees)

The Cassandra Journalists (1848–1940)

Tim Farrant

Fragmentation, feuilleton, form: Balzac, Baudelaire, Zola

Paul Rowe

Style on Trial, or ‘Veut-on charger MM. les avocats du roi de composer le Dictionnaire de l’Académie?’

Thomas Bouchet

Fouriérisme, journalisme et littérature au milieu de la monarchie de Juillet

Alexandra Tranca

The Illustrated Press and the Writing of History: The Recueils ofL’Illustration in 1848

Edmund Birch

‘Les suites des suites’: Alexandre Dumas’s Le Comte de Monte-Cristo and the News

Kate Rees

Sensory Reportage and the ‘Steeplechase’ Between Novels and Newspapers in Verne’s Michel Strogoff

Nicholas White

‘L’enclume toujours chaude’: Émile Zola’s Newspaper Trilogy

Marieke Dubbelboer

‘Il faut vivre’: Writers, Journalists and Income, 1890–1914

Max McGuinness

Literature and ‘Universel Reportage’ in Mallarmé’s ‘Livre’

Guillaume Pinson

Lire la presse du XIXe siècle en contexte numérique: vers une nouvelle historiographique des objets médiatiques?

Catherine Nesci, Chair, Comparative Literature

Professor of French & Comparative Literature
Affiliate in Feminist Studies
Professional address:
Department of French and Italian
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4140 USA

*Co-Editor, with Isabel Gil, Series Culture & Conflict, De Gruyter (Berlin & Boston)

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