KONG, Shuyu, Consuming Literature and the Commerzialization of Literary Production in Contemporary China, Palo Alto (CA), Stanford University Press, 2004, 256 pages.
LOUDERMILK, Kim, Fictional Feminism : How American Bestsellers Affect the Movement for Women’s Equality, New York, Routledge, (Literary Criticism amd Cultural Theory), 2004, viii, 226 pages.
PHEGLEY, Jennifer, Educating the Proper Woman Reader : Victorian Family Literary Magazines and the Cultural Health of the Nation, Columbus (OH), Ohio State University Press, 2004, x, 233 pages.
CONROY, Mark, Muse in the Machine : American Fiction and Mass Publicity, Colombus (OH), Ohio State University Press, 2004, vii, 232 pages, 24 cm.
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Anthony Glinoer (1 décembre 2004). Publications récentes en littératures de masse. Le carnet de la liste socius. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qwy9