Archives mensuelles : avril 2014

CFP – Workshop : “The Materiality of Writing”

University of Liverpool: Eighteenth-Century Worlds Research Centre

The Materiality of Writing, Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Workshop

Liverpool Athenaeum, 5–6 June 2014

This workshop will be hosted in the Library of the Liverpool Athenaeum, which was founded in 1797 to provide ‘the conveniences and accommodation for the acquisition of knowledge…in a town of such commercial and national importance as Liverpool’. It will be introduced by a public lecture delivered by Professor Dena Goodman (Michigan) entitled ‘Thinking of You: Objects, Memory and Epistolary Inspiration’.  The second keynote speaker for the workshop will be Dr Annie Mattsson (Uppsala).

Recent research in a range of fields – ‘literatory life’, ‘the little tools of knowledge’, practices of state-making and bureaucracy, the documentation of personal identity, the uses of the pen in private and domestic contexts such as letter-writing, the shapings of domestic space and material culture, to name a few – have sparked interest in the act (or labour) of writing as an everyday practice that involves very particular interactions between mind, body, place and technology. We aim to bring together new research that allows us to reflect on how a ‘material’ approach to the uses of the pen might help us to understand the processes through which meaning and modernity were constructed in the long 18th century.

Themes might include:

  • technologies of writing – pens, ink, paper, furniture
  • personal and informal manuscript forms in everyday life – Stammbücher, commonplace books, marginalia, letters, diaries, account books
  • penmanship, handwriting, graphology – the aesthetics and politics of legibility and indexicality
  • signatures as ways of establishing identity, expressing individuality and witnessing
  • occupational diseases of writers, clerical workers and scribes
  • public manuscript genres and the persistence of manuscript reproduction in an age of print
  • learning and teaching writing skills
  • moving writing: the aesthetic and emotional significance of the postal service
  • Who may and may not write? – the literate slave and other issues of power

Case studies are invited from all disciplines and covering any period within the long 18th century (ca 1650 to 1850). Contributions from all national contexts and those that explore global contexts for written communication are welcome. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. For further information, or to submit a proposal, please contact Helga Müllneritsch (<>). Proposals should be submitted by 10 May 2014.


Colloque – “By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation”

By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation

Publishing Studies Conference

Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy

May 22 and 23, 2014



Benoît Berthou (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, LABSIC-Research Center for Information and Communication Sciences, France)

Miha Kovač (University of Lubjana, Slovenia)

Angus Phillips (Oxford Bookes University, International Center for Publishing Studies, United Kingdom)


This two-day conference brings together scholars from the field of publishing studies to examine key issues around the digital transformation of the book, as well as to discuss the developing field of publishing studies.


Friday May 22




Opening – Benoît Berthou, Miha Kovacs, Angus Phillips


9:20AM -11AM

Session 1 – Book globalizations and national identities


  • Frania Hall (London College of Communication, United Kingdom), “Digital convergence and collaboration culture – Publishing in the context of the wider creative industries”
  • Melanie Ramdarshan-Bold (Loughborough College, United Kingdom), “National and Regional Identity in a Global Context: Cultural Constructions in the Globalised Publishing Field”
  • Elena Macevičiute and Tom Wilson (Borås University College, Sweden), “The e-book phenomenon in Sweden”
  • Daniel Boswell (Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom), “Catalan publishing in Twentieth Century”





Session 2 – Understanding innovation


  • Gavin Stewart (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “Foucault’s Ghost?: The Phenomenology of Privacy and Breach within the E-reading Experience”
  • Alexis Weedon (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “A leap in innovation? The digital book as disruptive technology”
  • Claudio Pires Franco (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “The digital book (r)evolution: barriers to innovatio”
  • Rose Leighton (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherland), “A Publishing Studies Museum”





Session 3 – Readership evolution ?


  • Nick Canty (University College London, United Kingdom), “Books, bricks and literary boosters”
  • Iain Stevenson (University College London, United Kingdom), “”The gift is mine, the choice is thine”:  Book Tokens and the expansion of reading”
  • Laura Dietz (Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom), “Life as a novel after death as a book? Reputation and legitimacy of post-print fiction”
  • Louis Wiart (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “The Economics and Business Models of Book Social Networks in France”



Session 5 – Book sectors 2: Academic publishing


  • Lara Speicher (University College London, United Kingdom), “Open Access Publishing of Scholarly Monographs in Universities”
  • Mary Ann Kernan (City University London, United Kingdom), “The impact of globalisation on academic publishing: A Routledge case study, 1960 to 2013”


Saturday May 23



Session 4 – Book sectors 1: Fiction and travelling


  • Heiko Hartmann (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany), “How digital publishing creates new kinds of printed books. The evolution of non-fiction (travel guides, atlases, cookbooks) in print”
  • Rachel Noorda (University of Stirling, Scotland), “Books as Souvenirs: The Tourism and Heritage Book Market”
  • Katharina Reeve (Bath Spa University, United Kingdom), “The Creative Producer 2020: Nonfiction and Digital New Product Development”




Session 7 – Toward new teaching models ?


  • Judith Watts (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom), “Catching up with the past: the use of historical case studies in a contemporary curriculum”
  • Anke Vogel, Corinna Norrick-Ruhl (Mainz Book Studies, Germany), “Teaching Sustainability: Bringing “Green Publishing” to the Book Studies Classroom
  • Liam Borgstrom (university of Pretoria, South Africa), “Teaching Publishing Architecture”
  • Sophie Noel (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “Is there a specific approach to publishing studies in France? Provisional assessment and methodological proposals”



Session 6 – Teaching publishing at the digital age


  • Elizabeth le Roux (University of Pretoria, South Africa), “How should we teach book publishing in this time of digital transformation? A view from the South”
  • Anna Faherty (Kingston University, United Kingdom), “Pedagogy for Digital Publishing”




Session 8 – Studying publishing


  • Nives Tomašević, Ivana Ljevak (University of Zadar, Croatia), “The current state of publishing studies in Croatia”
  • Stevie Marsden (University of Stirling, Scotland), “By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation”
  • Zoran Velagić, Franjo Pehar (University of Zadar, Croatia), “Methodological approaches to modern publishing: current constrains and future prospects”
  • Bertrand Legendre (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “Publishing researches: the Socio-economical approach”



Conclusions – Benoît Berthou, Miha Kovač, Angus Phillips



Journée d’étude – “Points de vue sur le livre – Les archives, le livre et la vie littéraire”

Vous trouverez ici les renseignements concernant la journée d’étude « Points de vue sur le livre – les archives, le livre et la vie littéraire ». L’événement aura lieu le 16 mai prochain au Campus de Longueuil de l’Université de Sherbrooke, à la salle 3625.

Publishing Studies Conference – “By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation”

By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation

Publishing Studies Conference

Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy

May 22 and 23, 2014



Benoît Berthou (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, LABSIC-Research Center for Information and Communication Sciences, France)

Miha Kovač (University of Lubjana, Slovenia)

Angus Phillips (Oxford Bookes University, International Center for Publishing Studies, United Kingdom)



Friday May 22


Opening – Benoît Berthou, Miha Kovacs, Angus Phillips

9:20AM -11AM

Session 1 – Book globalizations and national identities

·      Frania Hall (London College of Communication, United Kingdom), “Digital convergence and collaboration culture – Publishing in the context of the wider creative industries”

·      Melanie Ramdarshan-Bold (Loughborough College, United Kingdom), “National and Regional Identity in a Global Context: Cultural Constructions in the Globalised Publishing Field”

·      Elena Macevičiute and Tom Wilson (Borås University College, Sweden), “The e-book phenomenon in Sweden”

·      Daniel Boswell (Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom), “Catalan publishing in Twentieth Century”



Session 2 – Understanding innovation

·      Gavin Stewart (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “Foucault’s Ghost?: The Phenomenology of Privacy and Breach within the E-reading Experience”

·      Alexis Weedon (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “A leap in innovation? The digital book as disruptive technology”

·      Claudio Pires Franco (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom), “The digital book (r)evolution: barriers to innovatio”

·      Rose Leighton (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherland), “A Publishing Studies Museum”



Session 3 – Readership evolution ?

·      Nick Canty (University College London, United Kingdom), “Books, bricks and literary boosters”

·      Iain Stevenson (University College London, United Kingdom), “”The gift is mine, the choice is thine”:  Book Tokens and the expansion of reading”

·      Laura Dietz (Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom), “Life as a novel after death as a book? Reputation and legitimacy of post-print fiction”

·      Louis Wiart (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “The Economics and Business Models of Book Social Networks in France”


Session 5 – Book sectors 2: Academic publishing

·      Lara Speicher (University College London, United Kingdom), “Open Access Publishing of Scholarly Monographs in Universities”

·      Mary Ann Kernan (City University London, United Kingdom), “The impact of globalisation on academic publishing: A Routledge case study, 1960 to 2013”

Saturday May 23


Session 4 – Book sectors 1: Fiction and travelling

·      Heiko Hartmann (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany), “How digital publishing creates new kinds of printed books. The evolution of non-fiction (travel guides, atlases, cookbooks) in print”

·      Rachel Noorda (University of Stirling, Scotland), “Books as Souvenirs: The Tourism and Heritage Book Market”

·      Katharina Reeve (Bath Spa University, United Kingdom), “The Creative Producer 2020: Nonfiction and Digital New Product Development”



Session 7 – Toward new teaching models ?

·      Judith Watts (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom), “Catching up with the past: the use of historical case studies in a contemporary curriculum”

·      Anke Vogel, Corinna Norrick-Ruhl (Mainz Book Studies, Germany), “Teaching Sustainability: Bringing “Green Publishing” to the Book Studies Classroom

·      Liam Borgstrom (university of Pretoria, South Africa), “Teaching Publishing Architecture”

·      Sophie Noel (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “Is there a specific approach to publishing studies in France? Provisional assessment and methodological proposals”


Session 6 – Teaching publishing at the digital age


·      Elizabeth le Roux (University of Pretoria, South Africa), “How should we teach book publishing in this time of digital transformation? A view from the South”

·      Anna Faherty (Kingston University, United Kingdom), “Pedagogy for Digital Publishing”



Session 8 – Studying publishing


·      Nives Tomašević, Ivana Ljevak (University of Zadar, Croatia), “The current state of publishing studies in Croatia”

·      Stevie Marsden (University of Stirling, Scotland), “By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation”

·      Zoran Velagić, Franjo Pehar (University of Zadar, Croatia), “Methodological approaches to modern publishing: current constrains and future prospects”

·      Bertrand Legendre (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France), “Publishing researches: the Socio-economical approach”


Conclusions – Benoît Berthou, Miha Kovač, Angus Phillips

Conférence – « Œuvre-monde, Œuvres complètes, Œuvres choisies : le testament éditorial de l’écrivain »

Université de Liège

Site du centre-ville, Place du XX-août, 9
Salle Grand-Physique

Mardi 29/4, 18h

Marie-Eve Thérenty
« Œuvre-monde, Œuvres complètes, Œuvres choisies : le testament éditorial de l’écrivain »

Les écrivains, en fin de vie, réfléchissent souvent au dispositif éditorial le plus apte à les faire passer à la postérité. Il s’agit de rassembler l’œuvre dans un geste testamentaire qui se veut à la fois contrôle final de l’œuvre, imposition d’un sens (avec toutes les acceptions de ce terme) mais aussi rituel funéraire d’immortalisation. Cette opération est particulièrement importante pour les écrivains-journalistes dont les œuvres ont été souvent disséminées dans des supports périodiques ou pour des écrivains qui, pour des raisons commerciales, ont multiplié les projets éditoriaux concurrents. On évoquera le cas des écrivains du XIXe siècle (Balzac, Sand, Hugo) mais on prendra surtout comme fil rouge l’écrivain Joseph Kessel et ses trois projets totalisants et « testamentaires » successifs tous conçus pour donner un degré de légitimité et de visibilité supplémentaire à l’homme, à l’écrivain et à l’œuvre : Le Tour du malheur (1950), Témoin parmi les hommes (1956-1969), et ses Œuvres complètes chez Rombaldi (1975). On mettra notamment en perspective l’échec de la saga autofictionnelle avec les rééditions de l’œuvre (reportages et romans) sur de nouveaux supports.

Marie-Eve Thérenty est professeur de littérature française à l’université de Montpellier III, directrice du centre de recherches RIRRA21 et coresponsable de la plate-forme medias19. Spécialiste des rapports entre presse et littérature, de poétique du support et de l’étude des imaginaires médiatiques, elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages parmi lesquels Mosaïques. Etre écrivain entre presse et roman, Champion, 2003, La Littérature au quotidien. Poétiques journalistiques au XIXe siècle, Seuil, 2007 et Balzac journaliste, Garnier-Flammarion, 2014. Elle a codirigé La Civilisation du journal, Histoire culturelle et littéraire de la presse française, Nouveau Monde, 2011 (avec Dominique Kalifa, Philippe Régnier et Alain Vaillant), Les Médiateurs de la Méditerranée, Geuthner, 2013 (avec Christine Reynier) et Cocteau journaliste, PUR, 2014 (avec Pierre-Marie Héron). Actuellement elle termine un essai sur les femmes journalistes, de Delphine de Girardin à Florence Aubenas.

Colloque – “Critique de la culture, Culture de la critique – Lectures contemporaines de la Théorie critique”

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le programme du colloque international et interdisciplinaire “Critique de la culture, Culture de la critique – Lectures contemporaines de la Théorie critique”, consacré à la pertinence des acquis empiriques et conceptuels de l’Ecole de Francfort dans le cadre de la recherche actuelle en sciences sociales.

Le colloque aura lieu en Sorbonne (amphithéâtre Durkheim) les 15 et 16 mai 2014.

Pour toute demande d’informations complémentaires, vous pouvez nous joindre à l’adresse suivante :

Le comité d’organisation : Lucile Chartain, Carmen Grabuschnig, Manon Him-Aquilli, Romuald Jamet

Programme Colloque Critique de la culture – Culture de la critique


Appel – Répertoire de thèses COnTEXTES (prochaine mise à jour : juin 2014)

La revue COnTEXTES publie sur son site un répertoire de thèses en sociologie de la littérature et en sociocritique, en cours ou soutenues après janvier 2006 ( Ce répertoire inclut toute recherche qui adopte,pour une part ou dans sa totalité, une approche sociologique du fait littéraire, sans autre exclusive quant aux méthodes, toutes époques et toutes littératures confondues. Il est mis à jour annuellement et consultable en permanence en libre-accès. Le répertoire couvre pour l’instant les institutions de recherche de Belgique (francophone et néerlandophone), France, Suisse
romande et Québec.

La prochaine mise à jour aura lieu au début du mois de juin 2014. Pour intégrer ou modifier une référence, veuillez écrire à et Pour les nouvelles références, merci de fournir les renseignements suivants :

Nom et prénom :
Mots-clés :
Langue du manuscrit :
Résumé (250 mots, facultatif) :
Adresse électronique de contact :
Nom(s) et prénom(s) du (des) promoteur(s) de la recherche :
Mentions institutionnelles :
Date de commencement de la recherche :
Date de soutenance, le cas échéant :
Composition du jury, le cas échéant :

La revue COnTEXTES publie également des dossiers thématiques(, des notes de lecture( et des articles varia(

Parution – “L’écrivain et le camelot. Littérature médiatique en Grèce (1880-1945)”


Effie Amilitou

L’écrivain et le camelot. Littérature médiatique en Grèce (1880-1945)

Cette thèse paraîtra en juin 2014 aux éditions Honoré Champion et porte sur des questions de sociologie et d’histoire de la presse et de la littérature du XIXe et du XXe siècle, dans le sillage des études de l’espace médiatique.

Pour plus d’informations, voici le lien de l’éditeur :