Books and reading in an age of media overload
By the Book 2015
International Symposium
June 18 and 19, Firenze, Italy
Benoît Berthou (Paris 13 University, Sorbonne Paris Cité)
Miha Kovač (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Angus Phillips (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom)
Scientific commitee
Christina Banou, Ionian University (Greece)
Benoȋt Berthou, Paris 13 University, LABSIC (France)
Alberto Cadioli, University of Milan (Italy)
Sylvie Ducas, University Paris West (France)
Miha Kovač, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Sophie Noel, University of Paris 13, LABSIC (France)
Melanie Ramdarshan Bold, University College London (UK)
Angus Phillips, Oxford Brookes (UK)
Adriaan van der Weel, University of Leiden (Netherland)
Organisé les 18 et 19 juin à la Villa Finaly de Florence par Angus Phillips (Oxford Brookes), Miha Kovacs (Ljubjana university) et Benoît Berthou (Paris 13, LABSIC), ce colloque donne suite au colloque “By the boook” organisé l’an dernier en ce même lieu.
Regroupant des chercheurs de 14 nationalités différentes, il verra également la création d’une association internationale ayant vocation à stimuler les échanges entre chercheurs et enseignants : the International Association for Publishing Studies.
Thursday 18 June
9h Introduction – Benoît Berthou, Angus Phillips, Miha Kovač
9h30 The book industry: reflections and perspectives
Moderator: Angus Phillips, Oxford Brookes (United Kingdom)
- Miha Kovač, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), ‘On fallen prophets and real problems: the death of the book and the growth of book industries’
- Frania Hall, London College of Communication (UK), ‘The digital experience and industry responses: exploring organisational and structural challenges for the publishing industry in the light of digital development’
- Zoran Velagić, University of Osijek (Croatia), ‘Production models and the life cycle of the book in modern publishing’
10h50 – Tea break
11h10 – Parallel sessions
Globalization and nationalisms
Moderator : Zoran Velagić, University of Osijek (Croatia)
- Aida V. Dobkevičiūtė, Lithuanian Publishers Association, ‘Language as a Problem: publishing in the small language countries’
- Rachel Noorda and Stevie Mardsen, University of Stirling (Scotland), ‘Put a kilt on it! The role of nationality in twenty-first century book marketing in Scotland’
- Giulia Trentacosti, Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland), ‘English-language editions in non-Anglophone European markets: the ultimate stage of globalization?’
Scholarly publishing
Moderator : Christoph Bläsi, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)
- Elena Maceviciute and Tom Wilson, University of Borås (Sweden), ‘Ebooks in academic libraries – the Swedish perspective’
- S. A. Hughes, Oxford Brookes University (UK), ‘Making free: digital repurposing of scholarly museum texts’
- George Knott, Elsevier, ‘Value and exchange in scholarly publishing competences’
12h30 Lunch
13h30 – Parallel sessions
The book: a new dissemination machine?
Moderator : Frania Hall, London College of Communication (UK)
- Christoph Bläsi, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany), ‘Are content-based software solutions a new form of ´amplified´ content? A classification proposal’
- Padmapriya Padmalochanan, RMIT University (Australia), ‘Screen reading: a rising star in the Gutenberg galaxy’
- Toke Ebbesen, University of Southern Denmark, ‘Design in the digital textbook’
- Kinga Kasperec, University of Silesia (Poland), ‘Ebooks and E-literature’
The book: what actors, which jobs?
Moderator : Sophie Noël, Paris 13 University (France)
- Tore Slaatta, University of Oslo (Norway), ‘2011 Book oddities’
- Susan L. Greenberg, University of Roehampton (UK), ‘A poetics of editing’
- Katharine Reeve, Bath Spa University (UK), ‘The Role of the Editor’
- Judith Watts, Kingston University (UK), ‘The Thompson-o-meter: applying publishing theory to the development of skills and competencies for professional practice’
15h10 Tea break
15h30 Researching publishing – Plain session
Moderator : Benoît Berthou, Paris 13 University (France)
- Franjo Pehar, University of Zadar (Croatia), ‘Towards a better understanding of publishing studies based on course reading lists’
- Kristina Lundblad, Lund University (Sweden), ‘Matter matters: material communication and the role of book history in the curriculum of publishing studies’
16h30 International Association for Publishing Studies – inaugural meeting
Friday 19 June
9h00 Reading: evolution and transformations
Moderator : Miha Kovač, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Alexis Weedon, University of Bedfordshire (UK), ‘The effect of emerging new media on book publishing: a comparison of the origins of cross media storytelling in the 1920s with contemporary transmedia readerships’
- Françoise Paquienseguy, SciencesPo-Lyon (France), ‘About the genealogy of screen reading practices’
- Alessandro Gandolfo (University of Pisa, Italy), Mate Juric, Srećko Jelušić (University of Zadar, Croatia), ‘A comparative study of student reading and book buying habits’
10h20 – Tea break
10h40 – Parallel sessions
Towards a new media ?
Moderator: Nick Canty, University College London (UK)
- Asta Urbanaviciute, Vilnius University (Lithuania), ‘The dynamics of Lithuania’s cultural periodicals in the context of media changes’
- Claudio Pires Franco, University of Bedfordshire (UK), ‘Reflections on digital book adaptation: a case study’
- Vincent Gros, Hachette Livre, ‘Books and hypermedia’
Publishers, librarians, booksellers: a community ?
Moderator : Sally Hughes, Oxford Brookes University (UK)
- Ann Steiner, Lund University (Sweden), ‘Bookselling – transformation and continuity in the Swedish book market’
- Primož Južnič, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), ‘Reading habits in Slovenia’
- Simon Rowberry, University of Stirling (Scotland), ‘Mapping Amazon’s digital infrastructure’
12h00 Lunch
13h00 – Parallel sessions
Marketing and promotion: innovations and traditions
Moderator: Françoise Paquienseguy, SciencesPo-Lyon (France)
- Sara Kärrholm, Lund University (Sweden), ‘The politics of republishing: what makes an old title new on the market?’
- Nick Canty, University College London (UK), ‘Books and blogs on YouTube’
- Melanie Ramdarshan Bold, University College London (UK), ‘The Social Author: Identifying a new generation of influencers and innovators in contemporary authorship’
The reader revolution ?
Moderator: Elena Maceviciute, University of Borås (Sweden)
- Sarah Mygind, Aarhus University (Denmark), ‘How to make them work for you? When readers become co-promoters’
- Anna Kiernan, Falmouth University (UK), ‘A new paradigm ? Crowdsourcing and the social benefits of community publishing’
- Kim Maya Sutton, Safkhet Publishing, ‘An analysis of laws that affect crowdfunding in Greece’
14h20 – Pause
14h40 – Parallel sessions
Going digital
Moderator : Alexis Weedon, University of Bedfordshire (UK)
- Tomislav Jakopec, University of Osijek (Croatia), ‘A model for the continuous monitoring of the ebook market’
- Hélène Seiler, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France), ‘The strategies mobilized by the DEPS publishers to enter into the digital field’
- Stig Hjarvard and Rasmus Helles, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), ‘Publishing in a digital age: the ebook as an organizational game changer’
Building publishing studies
Moderator: Adriaan van der Weel, University of Leiden (Netherlands)
- Arunas Gudinavičius, Vilnius University (Lithuania), ‘The publisher’s need for training in a time of digital transformation: the case of Lithuania’
- Lucy Ry-Kottoh, University of Stirling (Scotland), ‘Publishing studies as an academic discipline or professional programme: an african perspective’
- Rose Leighton (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherland) and Helena Markou (Oxford Brookes University, UK), ‘Experiential learning in publishing: from Amsterdam to Oxford’
16h – Tea break
16h20 Round table – The XXIst century book
Claire Squires (University of Stirling, Scotland), Sophie Noël (Université Paris 13, France), Adriaan van der Weel (University of Leiden, Netherland)
17h20 – Conclusions – Benoît Berthou, Miha Kovac, Angus Phillips
17h30 Aperitif