Mapping Fields of Study: Renegotiations of Disciplinary Spaces in the English-Speaking World International Conference Nancy, France 9-11 June 2016 Building G – Room 04
Thursday 9th June 2016
1:00 Welcoming Conference Participants and Coffee
1:15 Opening presentation by John Bak, Director of IDEA Research Group
1:30 Panel 1 – Emergence of the Humanities: Practices
Hatice Yurttas (Murat Hüdavendigar University, Turkey)
Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko: The Emergence of the Novel as the Legitimate Form of Fiction
Federica Coluzzi (University of Manchester, U.K.)
Dantofilia/Dantismo: Charting the Rise of British Dante Studies as a Critical Discipline in the Late Victorian Age
Richard Somerset (Université de Lorraine, France)
‘A Liberal Education and Where to Find it’: Rival Disciplinary Visions in the Entourage of Charles Kingsley.
3:30 Panel 2 – Postmodern Restructuring of ‘Literature’ and ‘History’
Christian Auer (Université de Strasbourg, France)
From the Empirical-Analytical Model to Postmodernist Theories: A Threat to the Writing of History?
Thomas Constantinesco (Université Paris Diderot, France)
The Return of the Text in Literary Studies: The Case of American Literature
Simon Tabet (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défence, France)
The Institutionalization of “Postmodern Studies” in the English-Speaking World
Keynote Speaker
5:30 Christopher Stray (Swansea University, U.K.)
Creating Classics: Institutions, Communities, Publications
Friday 10th June 2016
8:30 Reception and Coffee
9:00 Panel 3 – Emergence of the Humanities: Institutions
Stuart Jones (University of Manchester, U.K.)
Mapping the Humanities in Britain: The British Academy and the Organization of Knowledge, c. 1902-19
David Sorensen (Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.)
The Circumlocution Office: Carlyle, Dickens, Ruskin and the Victorian Legacy of Anti-Discipline
Angela Dunstan (Birkbeck, University of London, U.K.)
Textual Experiments: Victorian Literary Societies and Developing the ‘Scientific Study’ of English Literature
Matthew Smith (Université de Lorraine, France)
Extra-Mural to Intra-Mural Institutionalisation of English Literature: From the Reviews to Henry Morley at University College London.
11:40 Panel 4 – Disciplinary Innovations in the Contemporary University
Jennifer Takhar (Novancia Business School, Paris, France)
Postcolonialism and Self-Reflexivity in the Marketing Canon
Martina Gosh-Schellhorn (Saarland University, Germany)
Transcultural Anglophone Studies – ‘Anglophone Studies’ in Transcultural Perspective?
12:40 Lunch (A104)
2:30 Panel 5 – New Mappings of ‘Literature’
Lee Flamand (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Native Son in the African American Critical Tradition
Kate Highman (University of the Western Cape, South Africa)
Mapping English Literature in South Africa: The Politics of Place in Zoe Wicomb’s “You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town”
Vaughn Rasberry (Stanford University, U.SA.)
Race and Totalitarianism: Between Literature and History
Keynote speaker
4:30 Josephine Guy (University of Nottingham, U.K.)
The Changing Discipline of English: A Brief History (1880-2016)
7:30 Conference Dinner
Saturday 11th June 2016
8:30 Reception and Coffee
9:00 Panel 6 – Disciplinary Innovations in the Contemporary University II
Luis Ángel Aparicio-Ordás González-García & Jorge Diego Sánchez (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio & Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
International Relations through Cultural Studies: The Case of the South Asian Subcontinent Partition (1947 and 1971)
Christophe Ippolito (Georgia Tech, U.S.A.)
Interdisciplinarity, Liberal Arts and the U.S. Research University: A Case Study
10:30 Panel 7 – Epistemological Heritages and Renewals
Philip Riley (Université de Lorraine, France / Visiting Professor, University of Vienna)
The ‘Ideal Type’: Emergence and Roles of a Conceptual Tool in Nineteenth-Century Disciplinary Demarcation
Taoufiq Sakhkhane (Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco)
Occidentalism: Hassan Hanafi and the Reconsideration of the Occident
Andrea Selleri (University of Warwick, U.K.)
Literary Studies and the Philosophy of Literature: Potential and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Interaction
12:00 Lunch (A104)
2:00 Round Table – Perspectives on the Humanities
Cornelius Crowley (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défence, France)
Josephine Guy (University of Nottingham, U.K.)
André Kaenel (Université de Lorraine, France)
Christopher Stray (Swansea University, U.K.)
Conference Organisers
Vanessa Boullet
Marilyne Brun
Matthew Smith
Richard Somerset
Scientific Committee
Vanessa Boullet (Université de Lorraine)
Marilyne Brun (Université de Lorraine)
Cornelius Crowley (Université Paris Ouest)
François Cusset (Université Paris Ouest)
Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn (Saarland University)
Don Gilman (Ball State University)
Hélène Ibata (Université de Strasbourg)
Philip Riley (Visiting Professor, University of Vienna)
Mathilde Rogez (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
Jennifer Rutherford (The University of Adelaide)
Matthew Smith (Université de Lorraine)
Richard Somerset (Université de Lorraine)
In Partnership with
Pole TELL, Université de Lorraine
SEARCH, Université de Strasbourg
CREA, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défence
Saarland University